Place Branding and Climate Change

Students in the BA Advertising PR and Branding at Middlesex University recently benefited from a guest lecture by Malcolm Allan, President of Bloom Consulting, who delivered a passionate clarion call to the young professionals to put sustainability and climate change mitigation strategies at the heart of their future place brand strategies. As part of a third year Place Branding and International Diplomacy module taught by Dr Giannina Warren, the students learn about how to research, conceptualise and develop a place brand strategy. They are expected to work within existing geo-political structures and take into consideration real-world challenges that place brands face when developing their final place brand strategy for credit on the course.

Central to the challenges facing place brands globally is the climate emergency, coupled with climate change denial that still exists in many parts of the world. According to Allan, this has a compounded effect on place brands -- a failure to properly integrate sustainability and climate mitigation strategies into a place brand strategy will have long term negative consequences on place perception, place reputation, and can damage prospects for investment, retention and attraction of people, businesses and tourists unless profound and lasting action is taken to lessen the clear and present danger that climate change represents.

The guest lecture clearly laid out in grave detail both the threats, as well as opportunities facing future place branders. Allan was clear that place branders need to take a lead in ensuring that places takes these threats seriously, and offered clear guidance to the students, along with inspiring case studies, that they might consider creative, innovative and more sustainable ways to rethink tourism and economic development in their promotional efforts.

The students were impressed by both the passion and the breadth of knowledge Allan demonstrated in the presentation, citing especially the suggestions to consider public/private partnerships, community collaboration and initiatives such as transport innovations and eco-tourism as inspiring them to think differently about their own strategic place branding campaigns, as well as guiding their thinking about the centrality of sustainability in their own career aspirations going forward.

One student, Sunny Thakur, an international student from India, shared this afterwards: 'The climate catastrophe is at forefront of every corporation and political organisation. Malcom highlighted for us that nations, brands and other organisations might plan some CSR activities but the issue needs special attention and strategy. Marketing, communications and place branding professionals hold a crucial role in shaping the culture of incorporating sustainability in tourism and place branding. The insights by Malcolm on the need for new departments within every organisation focusing on sustainability was very helpful. Also these departments should collaborate and work in line with a single strategy. His vision and knowledge has helped me shape my place branding project and I'm really grateful for the time and energy he gave us.'

Inspiring the next generation of place branders to put sustainability at the heart of their profession is a passion project of both Bloom Consulting and Middlesex University, and Giannina and Malcolm are proud to be at the forefront of these discussions with students, collaborating to both inform and inspire those professionals who can leverage these insights in their future careers, having a positive impact on the reputation, offer and brand story of the places they might one day represent.

Finding the Positive


Admittedly, the situation across the world is causing concern. No doubt you are filled with worry, for yourself as well as your loved ones — this crisis will affect all of us in different ways. We already know that life is going to look quite different in a few weeks, months and even years, and we will need to find new ways to adapt to what will be the new normal. Nobody knows what that will look like yet, and there’s little we can do to control the outcome. But what we can control is how we perceive and react to it.

All of the productivity gurus, authors, and successful people I follow are offering the same advice: Don’t despair. Don’t let the stress and anxiety control you. Stay positive and optimistic. Keep investing in your future. Focus on being grateful for the good things that you still have in your life. This will be more powerful than you can imagine.

READ: The link below offers a powerful article that offers some clear guidance on some things you can do to improve your positive mindset, and with it, your mental health. You might even want to share it with others.

​“Scary Times” Success Manual: 10 Ways To Lead When Times Get Tough​

DO: This week, I encourage you to take some time to reflect in your journal. Write about what you're grateful for. List the good things in your life. Take the space you now have to focus on your long term vision and refine your goals. Every night, open your journal and list 3 good things that happened that day. If things get tougher in the future, you’ll be glad you took some time to focus on the good things — and it will have a lasting positive effect on your mental health as well.

WATCH: Here is a lovely 15-minute guided meditation designed to instil an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE. When you are feeling especially anxious, this will be especially powerful! (Click below for the link)

Boost Your Immunity


I get it, these are scary, unprecedented times. I have no doubt most of you are experiencing real anxiety at the moment, as world events change rapidly and we have no idea what is going to happen. It can be really tempting to feel overwhelmed and shut down while you begin to shut yourself off from society — however life must go on, and we must do whatever we can to look after ourselves and look after those close to us. We WILL get through this!

The best way to feel more in control of major life events that might impact your health is to take a proactive approach to getting and feeling as healthy as possible. The vast majority of people who are affected by the COVID-19 virus will recover; a key factor in that recovery is having a strong and healthy immune system to start with.

There are key things you can do this week to boost your immunity and stay as healthy as possible — so that even if you are affected, you can minimise the impact.

READ: This article in the New York Times offers some clear science and relatively easy options for you to boost your immunity and keep it strong.

DO: This week, focus on these very powerful methods to ensure you keep your stress levels low and your immunity high:

  1. Get enough sleep — a solid 7+ hours is required every night. Go to bed and wake up at the same time (routines are so important, especially if you’re stuck at home!)

  2. Eat a healthy diet — eat as many fruits and vegetables as you possibly can, especially now. Leafy green vegetables and citrus fruits are especially good immune boosters. Avoid too much alcohol, sugar and processed (non-nutritional) foods.

  3. Meditate — while you are socially distancing, there’s no better time to develop a meditation or mindfulness habit! Start with 5min a day - choose any of the great meditations found on Youtube. The impact to your mental health will be profound!

  4. Supplement — if you can, try to take some extra vitamins and supplements to help out your immune system. Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc are especially powerful.

    I’m also currently drinking hot lemon and ginger tea constantly - it tastes great and helps keep you healthy!


Here’s a 12-minute guided meditation for healing and boosting immunity. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and listen! (Click below for video)

Managing Stress

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It’s that time of year when assignments start to loom on the horizon, deadlines begin to pile up, and students start to inevitably feel stressed out! It’s natural, but can also feel overwhelming. However, there are some key strategies you can put into place now to help you manage that stress and feel in control over these next two months.

The first important thing to do is to notice when you feel overwhelm starting to creep in. By being more aware of your triggers, you can proactively reduce the stress before it becomes unmanageable.

Keeping it simple this week, I’ve discovered a great blog that offers a treasure of resources for students. Have a look at this great Study Stress Infographic that will help you not only notice how stress shows up for you, but also put into place some easy steps that will help you keep your cool when things start to feel out of control.

You have more capacity than you realise. Now is the time to really see what you’re made of - your future self will thank you!

Building Self-Discipline

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How often have you thought to yourself, ‘I wish I had more discipline?’ The secret is, discipline is not something you either have or you don’t — it’s actually like a muscle, that needs to be worked every day to get stronger!

Having discipline over your life can bring so many rewards. A favourite quote of mine, from Navy Seals beast and productivity guru, Jocko Willink, is DISCIPLINE EQUALS FREEDOM. I find this concept so powerful! Think about it - if you exercise discipline over your device, you won’t feel guilty for wasting so much time on it, and it will be a useful tool for you. If you have discipline over your food and exercise, you will feel strong and healthy and capable to take on any task. If you have discipline over your time management, you will know you are meeting your deadlines and completing your studies and working towards success. The amount of freedom this gives you to enjoy your life and know you are on top of your responsibilities is profound.

Discipline takes practice. You must be conscious about how you spend your time and energy. And you must dedicate time and effort every single day to practicing discipline in all areas of your life.

READ: This article outlines 10 powerful things you can do now to help you improve the discipline you have over your life. Just being conscious about where you are now, and how you can improve, can make a big difference to making you feel more free and in control of your life.

DO: For this week, set up an action plan. Make a TO DO list of the tasks you need to complete for school, and identify your workouts and your other responsibilities. Pre-cook a few meals. Go into the week with a disciplined mindset, and set about achieving your goals.


This motivational video featuring Jocko Willink is SUPER POWERFUL. Get ready to make something happen! (Click below for the link)

Project Management

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As we approach the final stretch of learning weeks in the academic calendar, the competing deadlines and assignments piling up can feel overwhelming. Indeed, as a student, your next two months will be the busiest and most challenging of the year! To avoid total stress and burnout as deadlines approach, you absolutely need an easy and manageable way to organise your workload and get your projects done on time.

In the Marketing world, one of the most effective tools for project management is called a WORK BACK SCHEDULE. What this essentially means is that you start with the end in mind — begin with the deadline, and identify all the things you have to do on that project to meet the deadline. Figure out how much time each part of the project will take, and then work backwards, planning the steps in your calendar, creating mini-deadlines as you go. This ensures you get everything done in the right order, with time to spare. Most importantly, it means you’re not stressing out at the last possible minute!

The sooner you can learn to implement this skill in your time management processes, the better. In industry, it will be an expectation that you know how to do this!

READ: ASANA is a handy project management tool that can help you manage projects, GANTT charts and workflows. But there’s no need to purchase the premium product — here’s a handy step by step guide on how to create a work back schedule that works for you. And it offers LOTS OF TEMPLATES!

DO: Here’s a simple task you can today to help you get organised for the weeks ahead. List out all your upcoming assignments, with deadline dates, at the top of a spreadsheet, in separate columns. Below the deadline, list out all the tasks that are required to complete that project: i.e,

  1. Key word search for library and journal resources

  2. Take out books from library

  3. Read 6 books on chosen topic

  4. Take notes on Evernote

  5. Enter books into Citation Manager

  6. Find mainstream media sources on topic (repeat steps above for note taking)

  7. Mind Map essay topic

  8. Devise Thesis statement

  9. Draft outline of essay

  10. Write Draft 1 of essay

  11. Visit Learning Enhancement Team for assistance (enter date of appointment)

  12. Revise and edit essay

  13. Tutorial with Lecturer

  14. Revise and edit essay

  15. Give to friends for proofreading

  16. Submit essay (enter deadline)

That list took me approximately 3 minutes to create — but it gives a good global view of all the steps necessary. Even better, you can break each step down into smaller steps (Write Introduction, Write Paragrah 1, Write Conclusion etc) which will give you even more satisfaction as you cross those items off your list!

Next try to put deadlines next to each item, working back from the main deadline, once you’ve figured out how long each step will take. PUT THESE DEADLINES IN YOUR CALENDAR!

I guarantee that this simple and quick step to organising your upcoming deadlines will not only make you more productive, efficient and help to produce quality work, but it will reduce or eliminate any stress or anxiety you might be feeling as well.

Good luck on your planning!

Meal Planning


One of the best ways to save time, save money, be healthy and feel in control of your life is to implement a system of meal planning. Many of you might be brand new to cooking for yourselves, or you notice that your school and work schedule no longer aligns with your family food schedule. It can be too easy to grab a sandwich deal or a value meal at the chicken shop when you’ve had a long and busy day and you’re trying to save money when you’re starving. But this does your wallet and your brain no favours!!

I usually spend about 90 minutes a week cooking a few meals in advance and prepping other food so that I’ve got budget-friendly, healthy and tasty food to last through the week. A few tricks and tips that you implement now can save you so much time and money, and make you feel healthier and more in control of your life!

READ: Here’s a handy beginner’s guide on how to get started! AND Here are 20 meal ideas you can prep on a Sunday.

DO: I recommend starting with a few key elements — cook 1-2 hearty meals such as a soup, stew, chili or casserole. Pre-cook a few lean proteins such as fish or chicken, and pre-cut some veggies such as carrots, celery, cauliflower and peppers. Boil up some eggs. Pre-pack a few lunches. A few easy changes can save you loads of time and money during your busy week., and make your brain sharper and better at focusing in the process!

WATCH: Here’s a video that specifically shows some meal prep ideas for students. (Click below to watch the video)

Daily Meditation


What if I told you that one simple habit, practised daily, could literally change your life? Do you want to feel less anxious, have better focus, be more efficient at studying, and manage your stress? Do you want to feel more calm, more confident, and make better decisions in your life? Do you want better relationships, higher self-awareness, patience and compassion? it might be time to meditate.

I started practising meditation about 10 years ago, and I can honestly say that nothing has been more of a game-changer in all facets of my life. Yogis, health nuts, high-powered CEOs and other highly productive people have been singing the praises of meditation for years. Scientists are now studying the benefits, and there is now proof that meditation can help with the following:

  1. It changes the function and structure of the brain to support self-control.

  2. It helps control anxiety and overwhelm.

  3. Promotes emotional and mental health.

  4. Lengthens attention span and improves focus.

  5. Can help fight addictions.

  6. Promotes healthy sleep cycle.

  7. Improves memory function.

  8. Increases confidence and clear decision-making.

With this many benefits, there is no reason at all not to include even a short daily practice of meditation into your life-optimising routine. It doesn’t need to be difficult — just 5 minutes a day can bring big pay-offs.

READ: If you want to understand more about the science-based benefits of meditation, this article and infographic will articulate the 76 Benefits of Meditation and Mindfulness.

DO: Try a meditation APP such as Headspace, Buddhify, or go to Youtube and try one of the meditations from a channel like Great Meditation which has some excellent 10-minute guided meditations to get you started. Try it when you first wake up in the morning, or before you go to bed, or even before you begin a study session. A few minutes a day can make a huge difference!

WATCH: (Click the link below for the video)

The 7 Shocking Benefits of Daily Meditation

Managing Your Email


How many of you feel overwhelmed by your Email Inbox? Most of us are the recipients of dozens, if not hundreds of new messages every day that need dealing with. One of the worst things you can do is to let your Inbox pile up — it’s a recipe for missing important information, meetings, potential job opportunities and correspondence from important people!

In the professional world, email is simply the most important communication tool you will use to manage your workload and engage with clients and coworkers. Learning how to stay on top of managing your email is going to be one of the most powerful skills you can develop throughout your career.

There is a big trend in productivity circles towards achieving something called ‘Inbox Zero’. The term was originally coined by Merlin Mann, the founder and writer of 43 Folders, a blog about working creatively and efficiently.

Mann advocated the principle of DELETE, DELEGATE, RESPOND, DEFER or DO as an easy and efficient way to manage email. Here is a video that explains more.


READ: This handy guide offers 7 easy steps to begin to manage your Email Inbox.

DO: Here are a few very easy and key things you can do to begin managing your email effectively:

  1. Set up folders: Begin to organise emails you want to keep in a folder system so that they are not constantly sitting in your Inbox, demanding your attention.

  2. Respond immediately to all emails that will take 2 minutes or less. Respond, then delete. If an email requires a longer response, file it in the ‘To Respond’ folder and give yourself a set amount of time every day to conquer those responses.

  3. Set up filters. Automatically move recurring communication (such as blogs or newsletters) to a specific folder and batch read them at the same time every week.

  4. Don’t touch twice. Once opened, process the email. DELETE, DELEGATE, RESPOND, DEFER or DO. Don’t let emails sit in your Inbox without taking action on them. Devote at least an hour or two every week to going through any emails that are sitting in your Inbox and process them one way or another. You don’t want them taking up more mental energy by staring at you every day!


How to Achieve Inbox Zero - 4 Email Productivity Hacks (Click below to see the video)

Digital Detox

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Happy Monday! This week I’m going to suggest you do something that might, at first glance, appear a little extreme: it’s time to put your phone away for a set amount of time, and take a digital detox!

Many of you have expressed to me having trouble sleeping or focusing on reading or committing to a task. The problem is we’ve all become so dependent on our phones, we can’t imagine a moment without it — whether that’s in bed, out with friends, or next to us on our desks while studying. With notifications constantly popping up, competing for our attention, it’s no wonder it’s hard to sleep or focus!

This week I’d like to encourage you to be more mindful with your phone usage. I’m not advocating ‘getting off the grid’ for a long period of time (although the benefits to do that, for a day, or a week, are measurable!). Take it in baby steps. Don’t take your phone to bed. Leave it in your bag when you’re studying, and don’t take it out when you’re socialising with friends. I guarantee you’ll sleep better, study better, and have better relationships as a result.

READ: Scientific evidence points to many benefits of taking a digital detox — including better posture, better conversations, and new perspectives on life — what’s not to love, or at least TRY? This article identifies the benefits (5min read).

DO: If you’re going to do ONE thing to improve your life this week, charge your phone away from your bed, across the room. Turn on airplane mode when you get into bed and don’t touch your phone again until you’ve gotten up the next morning, had breakfast and a shower. Trust me, this will be a game-changer on your sleep!


Disconnected — This documentary examines the rapid rise of technology, our over-dependence on it, and what it could mean for the future of humanity. (30min)